High School
Kaufman Ctr.
Bus Garage
Lower Gymnasium
Provide new heating and ventilating equipment in the Lower Gym Lobby to increase heating capacity and provide fresh air ventilation. Space is not adequately heated at present. Consider an air curtain unit if ceiling space permits.
Wrestling Room
Replace outdated heating and ventilating system serving Wrestling Room with a new system to improve operation and reliability.
Junior HS Locker Rooms
Replace outdated heating and ventilating system serving Junior High Locker Rooms with a new system to improve operation and reliability.
High School Locker Rooms & Offices
Revise ductwork and re-balance air handling unit serving locker room areas to provide ventilation to offices in four locations.
Split System A/C Unit
Replace the old five ton split system air conditioning unit which cools the telephone equipment in room 61A in the basement to improve system reliability. (Unit runs 24/7)
Air Handling Units
The original air handling equipment in the basement of the original building is over 50 years old. Service access to the equipment is extremely difficult (floor hatch) and some parts of the system have deteriorated. We recommend that a feasibility study be undertaken to evaluate the possibility of replacing this equipment with new rooftop units employing energy recovery capabilities and high efficiency fan motors
Power Exhaust System
Provide a power exhaust system for the boiler room to relieve excessive heat buildup in space.
Toilet Room
Substantially accessible toilet rooms are present on the first and second floors. Consider additional modifications to further accessibility at the basement level. Recommend renovating room to be a single use toilet room and updating finishes. Replace outdated plumbing fixtures to improve operation, appearance, serviceability and water conservation.